Sunday, 17 January 2010



街上行人不多,天已黑齊了,連自己的步伐也來得冷靜,我想起海明威在「流動的餐宴」(A Moveable Feast) 中提到當年他每天寫文的紀律,寫到滿意的時候便放下工作讓自己下樓到街外走走逛逛...



* * *

去買牛奶之前,我流連網路,想起周游寫過一篇讀後感,在她的筆尖下,巴黎的咖啡館跟蘇格蘭的山坡都在方芳燙熱的額頭與母親的決擇之間一拼交融,我留言告訴她 :

周游,此刻𥦬外也在噠噠下雨呢,讀了,我也終於在個多星期前讀了「流動的餐宴」,寫了好些筆記,想了好些事情,儲夠情感的時候可能也會寫幾個字。二十年代的巴黎令人神往,原來海明威愛飲兩杯。書未一句 "But this is how Paris was in the early days when we were very poor and very happy" 也夠讓人浪漫一下幻想一番吧,雖然何為窮何為快樂仍有很多斟酌的餘地。

讀完「流動的餐宴」之後把龍應台的「沙灣徑25號」帶出帶入了好幾天,還是無法集中精神把字看進腦裡去,香港最近事多,博文多看了,書本顯得沉重。 在書架前徘徊,見 Jules Verne 的「八十日環遊世界」,這個版本一定未看過,正好,凡爾納的瘋狂想像力正合此刻的心意。


註 : 我對'心無旁騖'的「騖」字有疑,家中的字典不足查不出個所以,到網上查,大多都用馬字的「騖」,却又找到不少 (如這篇) 解說應用鳥字的「鶩」,花了好多時間,還是不能肯定誰對誰錯,在此想借機請各路英雄指教指教!


周游 said...


找到候考賢執導的Le voyage du ballon rouge,你看了沒?Julitte Binoche 飾演巴黎單身母親,那神秘的紅汽球,總覺得它應該飄在台南郊野的火車鐵軌上。。。

michelle said...

周游: 我聽說過但未看 Le Voyage du ballon rouge, 看來你也很喜歡 Binoche, 待我想想有沒有她的好戲可以介紹你。

Kempton said...


I think since language is for communication, either word should be totally acceptable because we know what the phrase means when either words are used after "心無旁".

The game of "language policing" is one that, I think, is a slippery slope. Thinking about it, I wrote a long blog entry on it some months ago here.

P.S. Using the

Searching for 騖 brings up this info,
騖外,旁騖 be derelict in duty and run about irrelevant business.

michelle said...

Kempton, thanks again for your kind message, detailed and thoughtful as usual.

I totally agree that everybody would understand the meaning of the phrase whichever we write after "心無旁". It reminds me of an example that 周游 has mentioned in fb:

Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

However in the case, i think it is also interesting to know the meaning and proper use of words. Mmmh, according to the link you've mentioned here, things seems clearer to me. 騖 is rather a verb! then it is totally fine in 好高騖遠, but may not be very correct to be used in 心無旁騖. What do you think ? Oh well, this is out of my knowledge, but in that case the saying in the article may be right then...

阿荒 said...


巴黎旅客 Voyageuse de Paris said...


michelle said...


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