Thursday, 28 February 2008

Mobile Art in Hongkong

Have just learnt from Hong Kong Digital Vision (an excellent photo blog of a Hongkong guy Chris Lee) that The Mobile Art designed by Zaha Hadid is in the Star Ferry car park in Hongkong until the 5th April.

The Mobile Art is a Chanel comptemporary art container and twenty-one artists work on the project! According to the official site, this Art Container will be travelled to Tokyo in May, to New York in September, to London in June 2009, to Moscow in September 2009, and to Paris in January 2010!

Dear Hongkong readers, if you have already visited that container, I would like to know your comments about it: how you feel about it, does it worth visiting, do you call it art... Thanks in advance for your sharing.


Anonymous said...


What is art to do with Chanel handbags? I don’t understand?
If art were created under the premises of commercialism, isn’t that advertisement?

The stubborn

michelle said...

I don't understand very well neither how come there are bags in their site... guess it is actually a container (room of exhibition) for Chanel?!

Regarding art or commerce... such a huge topic!
I think we need money to support production of art. This project, for example, has made 21 artists work something nice. Is it bad? Should all artists die in misery like Van Gogh to be respectable, 梁伯 ?

Anonymous said...

Madame 師奶,

上善若水 > We have Van Gogn´s paintings and Mozart’s music, for me, their works are just like water, that it could be used to wash a Palace, and to wash an ordinary home as well. It is real and it is everywhere. Unfortunately, both artists died poor and in misery. But they lived in the past, in another form of society and systems. Today, how many artists died of starvation? We have the society to support artists when the society is rich, not much, but some, in Europe and in the US, even in China now.

Of course, an artist can choose to make money. But nowadays, we are totally leaded by the media, they have the power to tell us what is chic, and trendy, and money has great power. Big firms, they could pay money to sponsor art projects. It is nice. But do they really know art? Or use artists as a tool to sell their products, their names?

I was told that the opera” Aida “ of Verdi was sat up in Hong Kong Art Center a few years back. It was so grand that wagons and horses could drive into the scene. And some went to see the opera again and again yet they all went asleep through out the performance. They went because it was a good chance for them to be seen, to show off their minks and tiaras.

I worry in this case, with the sponsor of Chanel handbags, the show, could only serve to some so call social elites, waving their flags in some cocktail parties, that they have something to talk about as they talk about books, fashion and designs, that it serves to create a class difference between people.


michelle said...

梁伯: I don't know art neither architecture. I only find that huge pavilion very beautiful from the photos, and the concept is new. I would be interested to go and take a visit, to see how it is inside the container and try to feel what 3D means in their site... Oh well i guess, like going to see a great match of football or rugby, isn't intending to go and see the advertising banners in the stadium. We may see those banners anyway, but we don't care as long as we can see a great match... Shall I see the relationship between art and commerce that way too? I really don't know. It is a very complicated social question.

Perhaps I should see the container myself before posting this article :P Ok i've just added a sentence to ask for visitors' advice...

Anonymous said...


師奶果然嘴利牙尖(一笑)! 令人拜服,五體投地也。

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