有朋自遠方來... Paris est... (1)
中國人說:『 在家靠親友、出外靠朋友 』 人在外地呀,不時有機會接待遠來的親朋。 雖自問實在不善款客,但是『 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎』的意義,倒是越來越感受到了。
那麼,朋友對花都巴黎的看法又如何? 兩位在四月份從香港來的年輕女孩子以自助形式在巴黎逗留了六天:用一個字來形容巴黎吧 (題十六),她們的答案是: 美麗、和諧
那你們呢? 你們又如何看這花都?
Paris, une des villes les plus visitées du monde! Pour savoir ce qu'on a vu après un cour séjour à Paris, et pour les futurs touristes à Paris donc, j'ai préparé un questionnaire. Ci-dessus est rempli par deux jeunes filles de Hongkong qui sont restées 6 jours à Paris en avril. Merci Nic et Carol! Quand je leur demande quel est 'leur mot' pour décrire Paris (voir question 16), dans leur 5e jour, elles sont dit: belle, et, harmonieuse
謝謝,太誇獎了! 還在學習呢!
An English questionnaire for visitors to Paris? What's next? Obviously a French questionnaire for visitors to London.
Seriously why is the French not a translation of the Chinese?
First of all, anonymous, thank you for your visit and your footprint on my little blog.
However no, I am sorry there won't be any french questionnaire for any visit to London (oh to Hongkong why not :). Nevertheless, the same questionnaire filled by other friends visiting Paris, if any volunteers, would be shown here in the future... for those who are interested.
Concerning your queries about my translation... It is somehow not possible to translate certain idea or topic with exactly the same words in two different languages, due to the different culture, subtlety, and due to my lack of capability of course. Anyway I do not intend to translate in this blog... too boring ;-P
In this article 'Paris est... ' for example, I have added in the Chinese part very briefly my personal feeling of being overseas with few known Chinese phrases which I would find it too 'heavy' to put in my French paragraph...
Hope I have answered your questions, anonymous.
流水南音: 哥個 ”露露” 負情, 棄爵士, 爵士密謀行刺,失時機. 誤中副車奴苦矣…….. 那時以一個西方城市為名的粵曲還是首次 !
Paris, je t’aime..........
梁伯: 謝謝你的留言! 更多謝你留下的粵曲詞啊!! 自己對粵曲的認識實在很貧乏,對 ”花都綺夢”更不懂,真要好好學習! 這是一個好機會,就從這”花都綺夢”開始吧 :)
Madame 師奶
那首”花都綺夢”, 想是取才於西方歌劇 ”茶花女” ”La Traviata” 也是以巴黎為背景.但也溶合唐詩中. 白居易的”琵琶行”. 歌曲中有 ”教坊車梳馬亦稀”.
如果要學習欣賞粵曲應以 ”客途秋恨 ” 開始. 但現在我巳是離題了一點.
梁伯,謝謝 資料!!
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