Pékin Express
逢星期二晚在六台 (M6) 放出的十輯遊戲節目 Pékin Express,於昨晚終於有了賽果! 好了,以後每個星期將重獲這幾個小時的'自由'時間 ;-)
實在很不喜歡'追'電視,總有點被誘惑而不由自主之感... 奈何,這個節目有了自己種愛的元素自由旅行,有魅力迷人的印度,尼泊爾,更有中國和香港!! 唯有'死追'噢。 那麼, 這 Pékin Express 是什麼東東的遊戲 ? 大致上,形式有點像當年香港播放的日本制作<電波少年>,十對參賽者由中國北京出發,每人一天一歐元來解決食住和交通問題,比賽路途經 Xibaipo, Xian, Yichang, Longcheng, Canton 到達香港 (香港親朋若有興趣看短片的話請按此),由香港飛尼泊爾的 Katmandou, 繼續前往 Lubini, Gorakhpur, Khajuraho, Jaipur, Jailsamer, Planpur, Vadodara, 最後到達印度 Bombay,行程長達 45 天...
P.S. 真高興,這是自開 blog 來首篇不用起稿寫的中文文章... 打中文電腦有進步呢 :-D I am not a fan of TV but this Pékin Express broadcasted every Tuesday night by M6 since 9 weeks, finished last night, has drawn my attention...
It was actually a game whereas 10 couples of participants had to go by the road from China, Beijing to Hongkong (via Xibaipo, Xian, Yichang, Longcheng, and Canton). Then from Katmandou, capital of Nepal, to Bombay in India via Lubini, Gorakhpur, Khajuraho, Jaipur, Jailsamer, Planpur, and Vadodara. An itinerary lasted 45 days, given 1 euro a day per person for their food, accommodation and transport...
That also makes me think of another similar program produced by Japan and broadcasted in Hongkong 8 years ago, called 電波少年 . Two boys (one Japanese and one from Hongkong), given 100K Yen, went by land from Cape of Good Hope in South Africa to Slettnes lighthouse in Norway. When lack of money, they worked... and spectators followed their story via films sent by a camera man... Trip has finally finished and lasted almost 10 months, and the two young boys became stars in Japan and Hongkong for quite a while...
This japanes progam looks like more chalenging and crossing Africa from South to North is definitly a great Trip.
By the way michelle thanks for your nice comment on my blog
yes indeed ysengrin, they were very often blocked by some borders due to problems of civil war, and had to take longer ways, etc... rather an adventure...
De rien for the comments. Pls continue to tell yr story about hk...
Thanks again for your visit!
Nice photo from India Michelle.
Thank you Jean-Michel!! you make my day :)
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