有朋自遠方來... Paris est... (4)
This time, a friend from Norway, who has been in Paris many time, has filled up the questionnaire for me :In which I find his answer for Q11 pretty funny actuelly. To help my foreign visitors to understand the humour, I add few words here to explain: in French, matches call "allumettes", and it pronounces something like "ah-lue-met". So, I imagine that my friend was not pronouncing the French word clearly enough, that people understood al-m-let (omelette, same word in French).... ;)
His word to describe Paris (question no. 16) : Romantic
And you ? how would you see Paris ?
有朋自遠方來, 一位多次到巴黎的朋友與大家分享他眼中的花都。用了 "浪漫" 來形容巴黎 (題十六)。那你們呢? 你們又如何看這花都?
Cette fois-ci, un ami vient de Norvège, qui passe souvent à Paris, a rempli le questionnaire pour moi. Son mot pour décrire Paris (voir question 16) est: romantique.
Merci Leong!
(See also my previous "有朋自遠方來... Paris est..." (1) , (2) and (3))